Remember God’s Word

Remember God’s Word

April showers bring May flowers, so I’ve heard. With all the rain we have had lately, we should be covered in flowers soon! Enjoy the flowers while they are here because we know that soon it will be dry and hot, and the flowers will go away. There are many things in life that come and go like flowers, but we know one thing that always remains. Isaiah 40:8 tells us, “The grass withers, the flowers fade, but the word of our God remains forever.”

I am thankful for God’s Word. I am thankful for His instructions for living a life His way. I am thankful for His wisdom. I am thankful His Word is always available to us. I am thankful for a church that preaches and teaches God’s truth each week, not only to adults, but to our children too. As we head into May and the end of another school year, remember God’s Word. Remember that God is wanting to meet with you each day. Remember that during the chaos, God’s Word brings the calm. Remember that during the struggles, God’s Word brings you strength. Remember that during life changes, God’s Word remains forever. Also remember that CrossRidge Church loves you and is looking forward to seeing you Sunday.


For families with preschoolers and school aged children:

Parents, as the Faith Builders in the home, you can start here:  For a complete Bible story worship experience with your child, please go to and create or log in to your free account. Then follow this link for this week’s lesson: The Church in Antioch.