Jesus Loves The Little Children

Jesus Loves The Little Children

I am missing my little friends so much. That is easy for me to say since I am not there with them every day. I know some days it is hard to see all of the wonderful qualities that God gave preschoolers. This week I wanted to remind you of a few things that make your preschoolers my favorite friends!

Fun – They bring so much laughter to the classroom. Whether they are jumping up and down, shaking their bottoms or trying to figure out how to wink, they always try to have fun.

Real – Preschoolers let all of their emotions out. I get to see the good, the bad and the ugly some Sundays, and I love every minute of it.

Independent – Preschoolers are capable of doing so many things. They learn so much and grow so fast.

Excited – Preschoolers get so excited! They love to learn and try new things. Their smiles light up a room.

Nifty – Preschoolers are the coolest kids I know. They can drive us crazy one moment and melt our hearts in another.

Deserving of Jesus – Preschoolers deserve to hear about Jesus. Thank you for being the faith builder in your home.

Strong – Preschoolers are strong. They are resilient. They will bounce back and so will you.

but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

Matthew 19:14

In an effort to include your preschooler in your Sunday morning family worship activities, there is a link below with all of the material that your preschooler would have on a Sunday morning. I am so excited to be able to share this information with you. I love to watch their little faces as they learn about Jesus. Please let me know if you have any questions.



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